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Re: [ANNOUNCE] aptitude 0.5.0 released

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 19:40:01 -0800, Daniel Burrows wrote:
>   Hi, everyone,
>   I've finally released aptitude 0.5.0 into experimental.

Thanks a lot! I installed it as soon as it became available on my

> The main
> change here is that it's the first release containing the GTK+ frontend.

After installing the new aptitude version, I performed the rest of
today's upgrade using the GTK frontend. That worked without a single
problem. (I currently run Sid with almost every package from
experimental thrown in except for KDE4 and Xorg, so there were quite
some packages to upgrade, both from experimental and from unstable.)

I am not sure if I will permanently switch to the GTK frontend - I am so
much faster navigating the curses interface - but I am very impressed
with the GTK frontend nonetheless. The overview with the integrated
changelog entries is really handy, for example. Of course, something
like that could be implemented in the curses interface as well, right?
(nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more...)

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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