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Re: postfix can't send and receive mails

On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:57:54 +0800 (CST)
Stephen Liu <satimis@yahoo.com> wrote:

> # grep relayhost /etc/postfix/main.cf
> relayhost =

Ok, I guess that would mean that there are no hosts specified for which
xen05 is allowed to relay mail.

> comment out that line 'mydestination';

http://www.postfix.org/basic.html says:

  "The mydestination parameter specifies what domains this machine will
   deliver locally, instead of forwarding to another machine. The default
   is to receive mail for the machine itself."

See also the examples for the default on that page. I don't know what
exactly you are trying to do --- if you only want to send and recieve
mail from and to users on xen05, the default for mydestination should

But if you are trying to have mail for users at another domain
(satimis.com is another domain) delivered locally, you need to specify
that domain as one of the domains given in mydestination. For example:

mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, satimis.com

You need to read the documentation to find out what exactly $myhostname
and $mydomain are and/or how they get filled. I still have doubts about
localhost.$mydomain, that one doesn't make any sense to me: localhost
is localhost, there is no domain involved with that.

> # tail /var/log/mail.log
> Nov 12 06:53:52 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3448]: connect from
> web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]
> Nov 12 06:53:53 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3448]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]: 554 5.7.1
> <postmaster@satimis.com>: Relay access denied;

That seems about right because you don't have specified that
mail for users at satimis.com is to be delivered locally.

Note that xen05.satimis.com and satimis.com are two different domains
(or hosts). That's why I pointed out in my other post that in terms of
mail delivery, a domain is always a FQDN.

> from=<satimis@yahoo.com> to=<postmaster@satimis.com> proto=SMTP
> helo=<web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> Nov 12 06:53:54 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3448]: disconnect from
> web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]
> Nov 12 06:53:55 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3448]: connect from
> web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]
> Nov 12 06:53:56 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3448]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]: 554 5.7.1
> <satimis@satimis.com>: Relay access denied; from=<satimis@yahoo.com>
> to=<satimis@satimis.com> proto=SMTP helo=<web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

You are not delivering mail for satimis.com locally, and you don't
relay it, either. The only choice is to reject it. Remember, in terms
of mail delivery, a domain is always a FQDN.

> Nov 12 06:53:56 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3448]: disconnect from
> web35206.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]
> Nov 12 06:57:16 xen05 postfix/anvil[3449]: statistics: max connection
> rate 2/60s for (smtp: at Nov 12 06:53:55
> Nov 12 06:57:16 xen05 postfix/anvil[3449]: statistics: max connection
> count 1 for (smtp: at Nov 12 06:53:52
> Nov 12 06:57:16 xen05 postfix/anvil[3449]: statistics: max cache size
> 1 at Nov 12 06:53:52

These max values seem a bit odd. Only 2 connections per minute allowed?
Cache size only 1 (1 of what?)?

> Could you please explain in more detail.  Where to check and how to
> correct it.  TIA

Well, I can try, but like I said, I don't know postfix ... You need to
tell us what exactly you want to do (relay mail? recieve it? send
it? ...), what domains and hosts are involved and how mail arrives
(static IP? fetchmail?).

The next thing is to check the stuff about virtual domains --- I'm
guessing that you don't need any of that. See

"       virtual_mailbox_domains ($virtual_mailbox_maps)
              Postfix is final destination for the specified list
              of   domains;  mail  is  delivered  via  the  $vir-
              tual_transport mail delivery transport.

"       virtual_mailbox_maps (empty)
              Optional lookup tables with all valid addresses  in
              the domains that match $virtual_mailbox_domains.

Now you specified

> mysql> SELECT * from domains;  
> +------+-----------------------+-----------+---------+
> | pkid | domain                | transport | enabled |
> +------+-----------------------+-----------+---------+
> |    1 | localhost             | virtual:  |       1 |
> |    2 | localhost.localdomain | virtual:  |       1 |
> |    3 | satimis.com.tld       | virtual:  |       1 |
> +------+-----------------------+-----------+---------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

... which would indicate that you are trying to deliver mail to a final
destination of localhost and satimis.com. Above description in the
manpage leaves unclear how postfix decides for which mail the final
destination is to be obtained from virtual_mailbox_domains.

You need to find out how that decision is made ...

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