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Re: Choppy video when compiz is active.

Hello List,

Digital Ninja wrote:
> Dear List,
> I have a problem, where I am not sure if I am missing a module, or have
> an xorg.conf issue. I am using an Radeon X1400 video card in my laptop
> (Lenovo R60) I have compiz up and running, and seem to have no other
> issues. When I start a video while compiz is running, then the video is
> very choppy. During cube rotate or when moving the normalized window,
> the video blinks and is almost full screen. I have tried to submit this
> question to the xorg list, but am having technical difficulties getting
> my mail posted.
> Here is some info, that I hope will be helpful in finding the error.

Still no takers? Is any one using compiz in combination with an ATI
card, who does not have problems with choppy video when compiz is
running? I would be happy for any information that I can get.


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