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font change upon switching from DVI to VGA

hi guys,

i had some problems with the DVI connector on my computer (notebook) recently and therefore switched to VGA (i have both). interestingly, the font size in some applications changed in size (e.g., conky, thunderbird/icedove).

on my previous computer, i forced the dpi to 100 in kdmrc in order to have consistent font sizes on my desktop on internal and external screens. here, it was only necessary after switching from DVI to VGA output.

the font sizes are now ok, but, e.g., in conky and urxvt, they seem to have a 'halo' on the right side (but it may be just a hallucination on my side :-)). icedove fonts are ok, as well as in other applications.

any hints what could be causing all this trouble?

DPI, as calculated from the monitor info is 86x86, but this then causes the trouble as described above trouble. moreover, the internal display of the notebook leads to much higher values (different resolution, different size) and font sizes i have in various applications do not fit together any longer.

would there actually be a correct and consistent way to get correct display of font sizes on screens of different sizes? or should i rather avoid force-setting dpi and re-adjusting font sizes in all my applications?

thanks for any hint,

Lubos _@_"

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