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LVM2, Debian, and changing the hostname

I am about to migrate a small server to a new box. Some weeks ago I
installed Lenny (amd64) on the new box and used a temporary hostname
for it, planning on changing the hostname after the system had been
tested and was ready to take the place of the existing machine. The
installation used LVM2 (I'm very happy about that), but I have a
niggling worry.

The device-names in /dev-mapper/ by convention include the system's
hostname as one of their sub-parts:

  /dev/mapper/temporaryhostname-root /    
  /dev/mapper/temporaryhostname-home /home
  /dev/mapper/temporaryhostname-tmp /tmp 
  /dev/mapper/temporaryhostname-usr /usr 
  /dev/mapper/temporaryhostname-var /var 
  /dev/mapper/temporaryhostname-swap_1 none

As far I can tell, this naming convention is irrelevant for all
networking purposes and shouldn't cause a problem when the hostname
and the mailname and so on are changed. But I haven't been able to
*absolutely* reassure myself about this. Am I missing something?  Is
there maybe a risk of creating confusion within LVM itself if there is
a mismatch between the hostname and the name used in these device-file

Thanks very much for any advice,


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