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Re: libc6

2008/9/25 Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de>
On 2008-09-25 19:15 +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote:

> The problem may be that all your other programs were compiled against
> the version you had installed previously (which, as I remember, was
> quite old).

No, not that old -- even newer than the version in Etch.

> libc6 is a very, very important package. You cannot upgrade it to
> another major version without upgrading half of your system.

This is simply not true.

>>> To me this looks like your new libc6 is very broken and now nothing
>>> using it (which is about everything) will work. But i might be wrong.
> Correction: I guess it isn't broken in any way, it's just that all your
> other programs are linked to an older version and don't work with the
> new one.

Please stop spreading that clueless FUD.  In fact, the glibc has been
upward-compatible for more than 10 years and will likely remain so for
another decade.

>> Basically I cannot exec rsync, scp
>> If I manage to get the old libc6, I used to have, and manage some how to
>> install it (since I cannot execute dpkg) it wil work (in theory)?
> Yes, I think so.

Only that it will be difficult to unpack it, unless there is some
statically linked program on the system that can do that.

I wish, I could execute dpkg but I cannot.
I have the old package and it lies on /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.5-11_amd64.deb



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