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Re: Anyone using ftp.de.debian.org?

On 2008-09-11 09:17 +0200, Anthony Campbell wrote:

> I generally use ftp.de.debian.org for upgrades to Sid. For the last
> couple of days it has been saying that there are no new unpgrades.

Just yesterday there were new packages of, e.g., emacs-goodies-el.

> I
> therefore tried ftp.uk.debian.org and got 29 packages. Does this just
> mean that the German site has been slow to mirror upgrades or is it
> experiencing problems?

It seems it isn't as up to date as usual.  The file list at
http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/binary-i386/ shows that
yesterday evening's dinstall run apparently did not arrive yet, while
ftp.uk.debian.org has the latest packages.

If you're interested in finding out why, you can contact the
administrators directly, http://ftp.de.debian.org/ shows their e-mail


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