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Re: screen resolution question

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 01:45:44AM +0000, Glenn Becker wrote:
> I am running a testing box. Recently, it seems, my X settings 
> changed (w/o my intentionally changing them, at least as far as I can 
> recall) so that the screen resolution on Gnome, for example, it was 
> defaulting to 1400x1050. It is nice to see that my older laptop can 
> handle this, but ... I also have older eyes and prefer a setting of 
> 1024x768.
> So I went looking into the xorg.conf file, and found that ... no default 
> screen res appeared to be set! In fact the file contains almost _no_ 
> details and consists mainly of a lot of sections that look like this:
> Section "Device"
>         Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
> ... making it look like a lot of the X configuration is handled 
> automatically.
> Well, great ... cough ... I would rather it _wasn't_ handled 
> automatically, because I want to choose my own settings. I've handrolled 
> my own .conf files for X for ages ... is there any way for me to do this 
> and not have my settings overwritten by an automated thingum that has no 
> idea what my specific needs are?
> If this is an attempt at an improvement I cannot say I care much for it. 
> Certainly I can change the settings via the Gnome GUI, but this doesn't 
> help me if (as often happens on my old machine) I'd rather just run 
> Fluxbox.

Please see my reply to a similar question at

Best regards,

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