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Re: Mail not getting to DU

Ron Johnson(ron.l.johnson@cox.net) is reported to have said:

> The only seemingly significant differences are that you have []
> around your relayhost, and mynetworks is  For some
> now-unremembered reason, I had to change it to
> Also, I don't see a relay_domains in your main.cf.

Test with mynetworks =

I took the relay_domains out when I discovered this problem.  Figured
on less thing to troubleshoot.

Lets see if this works now.


PS: Here is the mail log for that mailMay 20 18:31:31 buddy postfix/cleanup[21660]: 04C1B4E009B: message-id=<20080520223130.GD10580@intergate.com> May 20 18:31:31 buddy postfix/qmgr[21642]: 04C1B4E009B: from=<wtopa@intergate.com>, size=2873, nrcpt=1 (queue active) May 20 18:31:33 buddy postfix/smtp[21662]: 04C1B4E009B: to=<debian-user@lists.debian.org>, relay=smtp.intergate.com[]:25, delay=2.8, delays=0.18/0.02/0.99/1.6, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 m4KMVVlf041768 Message accepted for delivery)
May 20 18:31:33 buddy postfix/qmgr[21642]: 04C1B4E009B: removed

O O  This was sent with a mail header of linuxone@intergate.com but the
above shows my user name.  Humm  My alias file shows my 4 different email
accounts as wtopa:    linuxone
same format for the other 3 accounts.  muttrc sets the correct header.  Humm

PSS: I don't think it made it.  This copy sent via icedove, again.

I am trying  Kevin Monceaux and Florian Kulzer suggestions regarding
using mutt to send to the list.


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