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Re: Re: resume ... resume ... resume ...

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 03:06:09PM -0700, peasthope@shaw.ca wrote:
> Andrew & others,
> Thanks for the ideas.
> asw> When did this start? 
> When I upgraded the system from etch to lenny, 
> or shortly thereafter, about the middle of February.
> asw> what changed? 
> Nothing was changed with the intention of having 
> a "resume" capability.  My best guess is that a 
> dependency pulled in a package which I have yet 
> to recognize.
> asw> I would look for the hibernate package, ...
> hibernate is not installed.

how about uswsusp? that's the user-space software suspend, or
something like that. 

> asw> among others, to remove. 
> Given the syntax of the message, "resume: ..." 
> I naively expected to find a program named resume.
> No such luck.  So how can I find the source of this 
> annoying snag.

I've lost track of this thread, Peter, so refresh me... 

that said. you could look in your actual initrd by doing the

mkdir tempinitrd
cd tempinitrd
cp /boot/initrd.<blah-blah blah> .
gunzip -c initrd.<blah-blah> | cpio -i

and that will unpack the ramdisk into the current directory. you can
look through that structure to see if resume is included (probably in
bin or sbin). Essentially, you need to convince your mkinitramfs to
exclude that. I"m betting its uswsusp that is the culprit. 


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