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Re: Install Debian into Fabiatech embedded system

Thanks David.

>  > Does anyone  never install Debian into embedded system like this one?
>  >
>  > http://www.fabiatech.com/fabia/products/index.php?main_sn=3&sub_sn=10&p_sn=
>  >59&title=FB2612

> Given that it has a CF slot, and I presume you are doing to install Debian on
>  the CF, then the easiest way to do this is to build the root partition on
>  the CF from a PC, and then boot that.  I have done this many times with WRAP
>  cards.  Depending on the size of the CF you may need to strip some things
>  out (like /usr/share/doc) before it will fit (I installed onto a disk and
>  then stripped things out and then copied the contents and ran lilo to build
>  a boot sector).
>  If you do not want to attach a CRT/LCD and keyboard, you might also try
>  setting the boot parameters to use a serial console.

A boy ask me to install also a wm (KDE) in that.
Assuming that i can use DOM or CF up to 4gb sized, wiill KDE run on an
embedded system like that (Geode 500mhz)?


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