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Re: lenny: how to use iceweasel, ie. x-www-browser from icedove?

Ron Johnson wrote:
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On 03/11/08 03:34, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
On my newly installed lenny, icedove opens links with epiphany instead
of my prefered iceweasel:

root@e13-v21:~# ll /etc/alternatives/ |grep x-www-browser
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  18 2008-02-23 22:40 x-www-browser ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  34 2008-02-23 22:40 x-www-browser.1.gz ->

How to fix this?

If you are implying that you use GNOME, then what you want is:
System->Preferences->"Preferred Applications".

I am using KDE. That's why I'm rather upset that icedove doesn't respect my system's default settings and instead 'forces' the use of gnome's epiphany.

For what it's worth, KDE's kmail respects the system's defaults and opens in iceweasel and neither in epiphany nor konqueror.


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