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Re: comments about Debian based Xandros

On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 11:47:44PM +0100, Simon Jolle sjolle wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Debian Users
> Anybody have experience with Xandros products? According Wikipedia its
> based on Debian.
> Are all Debian packages available? Is there Debian compatibility (or
> they implement their own things)? If no, what are the differences? How
> is the relationship between Debian and Xandros?
> Can I call Xandros, the Debian with underpinning contract (managers wish
> to hear such things like that)?
> cheers
> Simon
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There are a lot of Debian-based distro. They use the debian packaging
format (deb) and use the debian package manager (dpkg, apt-get,
aptitude). Beyond that, there are lots of differences. Ubuntu tried to
stay somewhat close to Debian by baseing its work upon Debian's unstable
packages every 6 months. Not sure what Xandros does. All have different
versions of KDE, Gnome, LibC, gcc, etc. So it is not ever officially
recommended to install a package from one to the other. If you buy
Xandros, you should get support from them, only. Debian has 16,000+
packages. Most of the derivitaves do not use all them. So, if you need a
package that is not in Xandros, then you can usually get the debian
source package and compile it to create a side-graded xandros deb
(untested). There are private contractors who support Debian, check the
web site for a list of them. There are also companies like HP and Dell
who may have Debian support,
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