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Re: Etch for Mac

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Stevan Gengo wrote:
| I'm attempting create a webpage using iWeb. I purchased a domain name,
| but I was told by tech support at GoDaddy where I purchased the name
| that I would need to get "etch" software to get my site recognized by
| the various search engines.
| My questions are these: Which version of etch should I buy, and is there
| someplace in the San Francisco Bay Area I can purchase the disk(s)?  (I
| saw the many vendors on your website, but I am at a loss as to which
| version I need to get).  My Mac is a desktop G5.  I am not running the
| most recent Apple released system. (I believe I still have Tiger
| installed).  If you recommend simply downloading the software from your
| site, I would do that but it sounds like purchasing a disk causes fewer
| problems of installation for someone who is not a computer professional.
| Thank you!
| Steve Gengo
| Sent from my iPhone


I think you must have misunderstood go daddy. Etch has got nothing to do
with search engines.  Debian etch is a linux distribution, and is
available free as a download from here.


- --
Steve Reilly


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