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Re: advanced power management for non-existent /dev/hda

On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 02:20:10PM +0000, Tyler Smith wrote:
> I'm getting some strange errors at the end of the boot-up process.
> This is what it looks like in dmesg:
> hda: drive_cmd: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
> hda: drive_cmd: error=0x04 { AbortedCommand }
> ide: failed opcode was: 0xef
> The thing is, I don't have a /dev/hda. My single harddrive is scsi,
> i.e., /dev/sda. So in that sense it is to be expected that anything
> involving /dev/hda is going to fail. However, I wonder if this means
> something is messed up in my configuration.

Well, at least you don't have a failing /dev/hda drive.  Does the bios
know that there is no drive there; could it be the ide controller
complaining?  Just to confirm, your single hard drive is really scsi on
a scsi controller, not e.g. a sata controller with a sata drive?

Is udev somehow involved?  I don't know where to look, except that the
config would be somewhere in /etc.  I think you've received a suggestion
to grep /etc/ for hda.
> tyler:~-> uname -a
> Linux blackbart 2.6.22-3-686 #1 SMP Mon Nov 12 08:32:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

Then again, you're running Lenny or Sid, so who knows?


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