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Re: domain wide spam email address

On Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:08:16PM +0100, Peter Teunissen wrote:
> On 10-feb-2008, at 3:08, Alex Samad wrote:
>> Hi
>> I want to set up an email address where for my domain, were users can 
>> send spam
>> emails to and they will be added to the spam DB.
>> I use exim and spamassassin. All my spam processing gets done as user
>> spamassassin, so I thought I could just process all mails sent to  
>> spamassassin
>> as spam with a procmail rule like
>> #
>> # Record it as spam
>> :0 fw
>> | /usr/bin/sa-learn --spam
>> but then I realised how do I get it to ignore the senders address  
>> (because it
>> will be one of my addresses and I don't when then blacklisted ?)
> in stead of using a mailaddress, I simply created a shared folder, so  
> users can drag spam into it to have it processed. You'd probably need  
> something like uwimap of cyrus to do that however. Since you don't  
> mention a MDA, I guess you use something like maildir and I don't know 
> how you're supposed to make shared mail folders then. Others may be of 
> more help there.

i thought procmail was the mda, but i could be wrong.

the reason i am looking at this now, is i have just installed the horde frame 
work, they provide the concept of  a spam email address also a ham address as 

the tools currently being used are mutt, squirrelmail, horde/imp, exim, 
procmail, spamassassin (rayzor and ++) and grey listing

because of the different type of programmes being used a shared directory is 
really the way to go I think ?

> HTH,
> Peter
> -- 
> There are only 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand  
> ternary, those who don't, and those who mistake it for binary...
> -- 
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diplomacy, n:
	Lying in state.

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