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Getting USB audio to work (Lenny)

I have an up to date Lenny system, and sound works
pretty much fine but i cant get USB audio to play.

I have a pair of altec USB speakers that work on a
Mac. When i plug them in, they show up in the system:
if i go to System -> Preferences -> Sound, the
"Devices" tab gives me the option for USB audio for
Sound Events,
Music and Movies, and Audio Conferencing. And, when
i hit "Test", it works: it plays through the USB

But it doesn't work through anything else. Playing
music through Firefox, or XMMS, or mplayer, just works
the system speakers, not the USB speakers.

In XMMS I tried going to the Preferences, select the
ALSA plugin, Configure, and for the "mixer card"
chose the Altec speakers that display there. But even
this just doesn't play through the speakers.

I guess there's a knob i have to flip to get this to
work. Cna someone tell me what it is?



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