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Icedove news

I recently started using Icedove for mail & news (until now, I only used Iceape or a hacked Fedora Seamonkey version).

I have some problems with "news". I have subscribed to a few
newsgroups offered by the news server at my ISP (news.planet.nl).

Each time I click on a newsgroup (say, alt.html) a window pops up
asking if I want to subscribe to this newsgroup (to which I am
already subscribed). If I say "yes", a side-effect is that in the
"newsrc" file (in my case ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/
newsrc-news.planet.nl) a new line is created for this newsgroup.
The newsrc file therefore tends to grow without bounds, with many
duplicate lines.

Also, and because of this, it is impossible to unsubscribe from newsgroups. If I try to unsubscribe, the number of duplicate lines for this group in the newsrc is diminished by one. But as there are still many left, the next time I start icedove I am still subscribed to that group.

Do other list members also get these "do you want to subscribe" popups when using icedove for news?

Regards, Jan

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