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Re: Apt-Get or Aptitude

On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:01:02 -0700
Jeff Grossman <jeff@stikman.com> wrote:

> I was just reading the forums at forums.debian.org and came across a 
> thread about apt-get and aptitude.  I just installed Debian this week 
> after moving over from Gentoo.  I have only been using the apt-get 
> method because that is all I ever saw mentioned.  But, I guess aptitude 
> is the preferred Debian method now.  Is there a safe way for me to start 
> using aptitude instead of apt-get?  What is the best way for me to make 
> the switch?

For new installs it is actually recommended to use aptitude. However, from following the recent apt-get vs aptitude threads, there doesn't seem to be any big difference between the two. So if you are comfortable with apt-get there is no need to switch.

One of the few advantages of aptitude that I have been regularly hearing is that it handles package uninstalls better. For example, it is better at apt-get when removing unused dependencies after removing a package.

And finally, I really like the aptitude ncurses based package manager. It made things quite simple for me during my transition from Mac OS X to Debian Etch.

Hope this helps,

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