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Re: Update failure

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 15:44:54 -0400
"Douglas A. Tutty" <dtutty@porchlight.ca> wrote:


> adequate for /.  How many kernels do you have installed?  How many do
> you need?  Unless you're a kernel developer, you should only need the
> one that currently runs, and room for one to be updated.  

I usually have at least one custom compiled one, and one stock Debian
one.  The latter is indispensable for ascertaining that some problem or
lack of functionality is due to my custom (mis)configuration, and for
quickly getting that functionality if I need it immediately.  I also
like to keep one or two older ones around in case there's some kind of
regression and for possible help in pinpointing exactly when some change

> Doug.

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