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Re: How to wifi with ipw3945 on Dell Vostro ???

On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 05:29:30AM -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> * Joost Kraaijeveld <J.Kraaijeveld@Askesis.nl> [2007-10-10 19:43:48 +0200]:
> > The card is recognised by the software and it even works somehow  (I can
> > see all the wifi networks in my building using wifi-radar). But whatever
> > I do I cannot get a  (DHCP) ip address from my Zyxel AP which is using a
> > WEP key (and it did when I still used Windows Vist so I know for a fact
> > that it is possible). 
> > 
> > Does anyone have any idea of how to get this card talking to my WEP AP?
> I've found that NetworkManager is a good way for laptops.  Has a GUI
> applet, too.  For my main laptop, though, I add guessnet, ifupdown, and
> wpasupplicant to the mix.

I've been watching for some action on this thread as I have the same
chip giving me fits. It appears that I have to use the built-in keys
to turn the radio off and then back on to get it to actually wake up
and connect. Its been a little frustrating. I've also found Network
Manager to be unpredictable if not down right impossible to use. It
seems to be too smart for its own good sometimes. 

I've ended up having to use a different tool: wifi-radar and (shudder)
rebooting to get wireless to work. Typically, the dance I had to go
(this was on a cross coutnry trip -- different wireless in each hotel)
through was down all the interfaces, comment out the wired ethernet
from /etc/network/interfaces, reboot, then use wifi-radar to connect
entering appropriate keys etc. Sometimes I'd have to manually shutdown
the radio (as above) and bring it back up to get it to go.

I'm not convinced that my problems are necessarily with the
driver/interface but that cycling the radio thing suggests it might

I'm planning to wipe that lappy and start over anyway (need to use
encryption) so I'll start over from scratch on the wireless. If I get
anything useful I'll post it up.



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