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Dovecot duplicating emails

Hi all,

I have recently switched my Debian etch (with qmail using Maildir) from CourierIMAP to Dovecot for use with Windows XP Thunderbird 2.0.0.x clients. . The migration seemed to go OK at first but I soon realised that I suddenly had an email duplication issue:

Almost all (not quite all) emails that arrive and sit in the Inbox get copied and appear 2x, 3x . . the longer I leave it the more copies I get. This happens only to emails received during a Thunderbird session. If I shut TBird down and restart, only the emails received after the restart will be affected.

I also have a squirrelmail installed but that is not able to show my inbox at all (maybe because there are almost 3000 messages in it) so I can't say whether another IMAP client causes the same mess.

There are only two accounts on that machine, both fairly large. (one is 3.5 GB in over 200000 messages)

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I have failed to find anything relevant on the net so far. There seems to have been an issue with Dovecot and POP3/Outlook, but that is not anything I am using.


Alexander Banthien

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