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Re: can't get the login window to appear after leaving machine...

On Sat, Jul 21, 2007 at 05:42:49PM +0000, Michael Fothergill wrote:

>> When you leave the machine are you running X or just console? Look at
>> the powersaving options for X or console.
> Hmmm.....  Are you suggesting I do ps -aux and see what is running (X) by 
> default?
> I am using a standard workstation installation with Gnome and Xorg. Excuse 
> my ignorance but that do you mean by the console here...

I mean if you run X or not, but from your answer I guess you do. This 
might be related to the video driver and the monitor you are using. You  
could try a 'man your_video_driver' (nv, i810, ...). For example my 
driver has a DDC option, but you have to search for yours. If you can't 
make it work you might want to give more details, like what video card 
you have (the chipset), what monitor, and you might want to look at your
'dmesg' to check for ACPI errors.

> Another problem I have is that the shutdown doesn't work in Gnome, you 
> have to be root on a terminal window and then type halt to kill 
> everything...

I think this has been discussed here before, but I don't remember the 
outcome (and I don't use Gnome).

P.S. Please don't CC me, I read the list.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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