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Opening 300MB sent mail file

What's a workable method of opening a 300MB file that I saved
several years ago ?  It's from Mozilla's email client, and it
was an unorganized Sent Mail file.  It's one huge concatenated
set of emails.  When I've tried to open it so far, I see 100%
memory usage right away, but after long waits (half an hour)
progress appears to slow to a crawl. When I most recently tried
to open it with Mozilla-Thunderbird, I could read the beginning
of the file (starting in 1998 !) but the screensaver came on
before it opened all the way, and that seems to put the kibosh
on finishing ...

I have also tried OpenOffice, AbiWord, Mozilla-Firefox as well,
with about the same result.

My system has 500MB of memory and 10GB of free disk space that I
can be sure of.

Are there any debian app's which can handle this file ?

It appears to be plain text ... with embedded jpg's and pdf's
of course.

George Langford

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