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Re: X locks up/freezes the system when switching to console and back

On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 03:05:10AM +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:
> Debian Etch Stable system running minimal X with fluxbox/blackbox.
> When switching to console ttys and then back, most of the time, as
> soon as I go back to X, the system just freezes and refuses to respond
> to anything and I have to reset using the reset button. What might be
> causing this? How can I trace the problem?
> This does not happen if I am just working in console. It only happens
> if I switch to tty consoles even for a minute and then back to X ...
> btw, just had to do that just now too.

I have the same problem and posted questions here and, while I had lots
of suggestions, there was no solutions found.  I'm on a PII, 64 MB ram,
icewm, trident xorg driver.

For me, the box totally freezes; can't even ssh into it.  Since I
changed window managers, vesa from trident, no window manager (just
rxvt), with no effect, I'm assuming that its an Xorg bug.  

My plan is to wait until Lenny settles down a bit and upgrade and see if
the problem is solved.


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