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problem with connecting LCD panel

Hello, please, I have a problem with connecting my Acer AL2016W LCD to computer with Debian. I have two cables: one original + extend and one 6m mail-mail. I'd like to use the 6m mail-mail cable because of better image quality. But when I boot the computer, I'm unable to set proper resolution on the LCD (only when using the 6m cable, with the extend it works). I've found on internet that I should add a modeline in xorg.conf. It makes the computer to set propper resolution, but only with black screen. ModeLine "1680x1050_60.00" 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 +HSync +VSync I've get this modeline by displaying settings with xvidtune after bootin with the extended cable. The reason I want the 6m cable working is that using the extend, the image on LCD is quite blurry.
Jakub Jelinek, jakub.jelinek@gmail.com

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