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Re: configuring midnight commander for use via ssh

On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 12:48:18AM -0500, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> The Gnome desktop is installed on both machines.  Also, midnight
> commander (the original mc, not Gnome commander) is installed on both
> machines, and works perfectly when accessed from the local keyboard.
> After starting Edith (but not logging in locally), I have been logging
> into Edith via SSH from Kate.  But when I execute mc over the SSH
> link, the two-panel mc display is corrupted.  Instead of horizontal
> and vertical rules, I see strange characters in groups of three.

Sounds like the LANG is different.  To confirm this, after you ssh but
before you run mc, enter:


if that works, then you know the problem.


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