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Re: Linux counter down?

Bob Cox wrote:

> It's nearly a week since my automated weekly email to
> "machine-registration" at the Linux Counter failed to be delivered.
> Now I find I cannot connect to http://counter.li.org/ either.
> Is it just me?
> Apologies if this is an inappropriate place to mention this, but I see
> quite a few of the regular contributors do have a reference to the Linux
> counter project in their .sigs  (and it was from this list that I was
> inspired to register with the Linux counter in the first place).
Hi Bob,
I noticed it wasn't responding sometime last week. It is now unpingable:
$ ping counter.li.org
PING counter.li.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- counter.li.org ping statistics ---
21 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 20001ms
I suppose it will come back at some point.
Registerd Linux user #445917 at http://counter.li.org/

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