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Re: disappearing files

On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 01:27:39PM -0700, Collin Monahan wrote:
> I'm thinking I didn't get enough sleep.
> I have /usr mounted ro. I guess the security should be better.
> Anyhow anytime I want to install or change an executable I go to single
> user mode (init 1), mount it rw, make the changes, then remount again
> and go to runlevel 2.

Why!?  That's really "crossing the river to fetch water" - or whatever 
the English expression is...

Why not:
    # mount -oremount,rw /usr
    # apt-get install whatever
    # cp /home/fred/bin/somecommand /usr/local/bin
    # mount -oremount,ro /usr


> Specifically I added some programs to /usr/local/bin. After going back
> into runlevel 2 I did some other work and finally got around to looking
> for them to use. /usr/local/bin was empty. (here's where I'm rubbing my
> eyes)
> So I go back to runlevel 1, remount rw, and then they are there again.
> I remount ro, init 2, and now I can see them.

That doesn't make sense... 

Do you have /usr/local as a separate mount point?

Karl E. Jorgensen
karl@jorgensen.org.uk  http://www.jorgensen.org.uk/
karl@jorgensen.com     http://karl.jorgensen.com
==== Today's fortune:
No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.
		-- Aristotle

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