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Re: Japanese fonts in gnome-terminal

On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 09:38 -0400, Victor Munoz wrote:
> Hello. I had this working in sarge, but somehow things have changed in
> etch, and I can't see Japanese fonts in gnome-terminal. Currently I
> have installed packages like cjk-latex, hbf-kanji48, ttf-kochi-mincho,
> among the japanese-related packages I can remember. In gnome-terminal,
> going to Terminal->Set Character Encoding->Japanese (EUC-JP) does not
> work. I have also tried with the current locale (ISO-8859-1), Unicode
> (UTF-8) and Japanese (SHIFT-JIS). I have generated the locale
> ja_JP.EUC-JP.  I also tried adding xfonts-intl-japanese, but it didn't
> work. 
> Sure I'm missing something, but I don't know. Any ideas?


For viewing files in Japanese, or typing Japanese, all you should need
is the appropriate fonts and the correct character encoding. In most
cases, UTF-8 will do fine. 

If you want to run apps, or even gnome-terminal, with a Japanese locale,
only then do you need to generate a Japanese locale and set it up to be
used, eg. "LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 gedit".

From the description you gave above, it sounds like you should have
everything needed to at least display Japanese, so what exactly goes
wrong? Can you for example copy text from the Japanese Wikipedia to

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

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