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Re: order of IDE drives in lenny ..

On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 12:04:28AM -0700, Towncat wrote:
> I needed to re-install my Debian system due to a disk failure. (Used
> to be etch, now lenny.) I have
> a new primary IDE master to which I installed, and I also have an
> IT8212 IDE card in the machine. For some reason when booting, the
> IT8212 gets assigned the /dev/hda-hdd, while the onboard controller is
> assigned /dev/hde-hdh. During installation the onboard controler was /
> dev/hda-hdd, and therefore the root file system is not at its right
> place when booting, so the system does not start. How can I tell the
> kernel the order of loading the controllers?
> I temporarily removed the IT card, but I will need it and the drive
> attached to it. Now, however, the onboard IDE is /dev/hda-hdd, and the
> system is running.

I ran into exactly this problem a few months ago on my server. The
problem is that I don't remember exactly how I solved it. However,
there are two solutions that come to mind:

1. move from using /dev/hd* names to Labels or UUID's for your
   disks. Check the archives of this list for more info. 

2. if you don't need the disks on IT8212 during boot, then just
   exclude that module from the initrd. Then you can let udev find it
   after pivot root. by then you primary IDE will already be



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