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Re: Dangers of "stable" in sources.list

On Thu, 3 May 2007 11:24:56 -0400
"Jan Sneep" <jan@azureservices.ca> wrote:

> I had a NetInstall CD of Sarge that I made in January and when I did
> the update last week I lost everything. I found I couldn't use that
> CD it get Etch installed. It would crap-out because it was trying to
> replace the kernel from the CD with the one from the mirror and
> kaboom! No go.

I had a similar problem. I used the last RC netinstall disc to install
post-release Etch. Or so I thought: the installer had put 'testing'
rather that 'etch' in the apt sources, so it had in fact fetched the
base packages belonging to what is now lenny. Luckily I spotted the
problem immediately, and downloaded a new netinstall disc.



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