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Re: Problem with kdvi font rendering after sarge-->etch upgrade

--- Land Haj <landhaj@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Back at work I just upgraded my sarge installation to etch. I changed the
> sources for apt, did apt-get update, apt-get install aptitude and aptitude -f
> --with-recommends dist-upgrade.
> All has gone fine, but when I start to work, I discover a problem with my
> main
> tool: kdvi. It can't seem to render my documents properly. Each time I load a
> document, it needs to generate the bitmap fonts for 1200 dpi. It does this
> every time even if it's the same document. And when it's done I can't see the
> fonts, just som square blobs. I have no trouble opening these doucments on my
> laptop or at home, which also run etch.
> xdvi (here at work) generates the fonts perfectly, and I have no trouble
> running latex on the .tex sources either.
> Does someone know what's going on?
> Please help!
> /landhaj
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I found out the problem, just in case someone else encounters it:

Apparently, the config file for updmap had been overwritten, so my custom fonts
didn't work. Adding the .map entries to the config file and updating updmap
fixed the problem.


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