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Re: riped dvd menu

Wackojacko wrote:
gustavo halperin wrote:
Wackojacko wrote:
gustavo halperin wrote:

I need change the DVD region of my DVDs, What I do is:
 1: make a dvd backup with 'dvdbackup'.
 2: change the region with a rubi's script that I found in the net.
 3: make a dvd image with 'mkisofs'.
 4: try to burn the dvd with 'growisofs'.

The problem is that the image is to big to be burned in the DVD with capacity of 4.7GB. So my idea is to remove the Special Features from the DVD and from the dvd-menu and the burn the DVD.

So my question is How can to be riped the dvd-menu, then rebuild it just with the movie, How to know with files are the "Special Features" and also remove them. And finally make the image and burn it (steep 3 and 4 above).

 Thank you in advance,


K9copy from debian-multimedia does exactly this. You can chose to keep whatever aspects of the original DVD you want and they are recoded to fit a standard DVD.


Thank you, but I'm not sure about K9copy, first K9copy is KDE depend and I prefer don't install programs that are KDE based (also Gnome based to), second looks like K9copy use dvdauthor for the menu issues and dvdauthor can't integrate the original menu and copy and modify or edit it (see link the K9copy page: http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/). So that is my question/problem: Can I extract from the DVD its menu and edit this menu ?

Thank you

I have just done exactly what you want to do with k9copy. It uses dvdauthour to create menus *if* you chose not to include the original menu. Otherwise it automatically uses the existing menus and the links to features that were not encoded don't work.

From its description

Package: k9copy
Suggests: k3b
Description: copy DVD like dvdshrink
A small utility which allows the copy of DVD on Linux. The DVD video stream is compressed by the program Vamps.

 o Copy without menus :
  In this case, dvdauthor is used to create a new DVD structure. It is
  possible to choose the order in which the video sequences are played.

 o Copy with menus :
As dvdauthor does not make it possible to integrate the original menus, K9Copy reproduces the original structure of the DVD. The navigation packs as well as IFO files are modified to point on the compressed MPEG stream.

As for the KDE dependencies I dont think you can get round this :).



OK, so just rest try it.

 Thank you, Gustavo

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