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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 23:36 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> > $0.  US responsibility ends at the border.
>     Yeah, we saw how well that went in WWI and WWII.  You do realize that if
> the lid isn't kept on we'd be facing the same situation?

We already are seeing it. And we are spending... and spending... and

Its just not as obvious:
      * $3/gal Fuel
      * Air travel just isn't what it used to be
      * DHS (this one really sucks)
      * Over-reactions from Boston's Police Department
      * "Muslim/Islamic" Profiling and hatred
      * Disdain for "Murica" world-wide is hugely on the increase
      * Immigration is stonewalled
      * The US has to "protect" itself nearly everywhere these days
        alienating others
      * US Friends are few and far between, except when the US gives
        them money. Even then, many just take the money and funnel it
        into anti-USAian activities.

These are just a few I could come up with quickly.
greg, greg@gregfolkert.net

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