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AIOT: American Idol for OT??

I'm still a newbie at Debian (I started when Woody was in Testing),
and I owe a lot both to this list, and also to several of the OT
activists, one of whom gave me invaluable help off-list when I first
posted here. And I surely approve of folks taking an active part in
arguing about matters controversial.

Still, the continuing rant has become a plague. When I CTRL-d these
threads, I wonder what I missed, and whether somebody lapsed and
included genuine content. But when I read them, I am dismayed by the
lack of depth and information, the blind ideology, and the adolescent

I even wonder whether, as a political scientist (trained in political
theory/political philsophy and international politics) retired from a
good department at a respectable university, I may owe something back
to this list. So here's my proposal:

Will others join me in playing Simon Cowell in treating OT postings
like auditions on American Idol?  Specifically: cut the performance
short at the _first_ error or stupidity or other flaw, and then make
just one helpful comment on the merits that points the way to a better
grasp of the topic, should anyone want that.

Perhaps if enough of us did responded in this fashion -- perhaps we
should mark our responses AIOT so that they would be easy to avoid --
perhaps one of two goods would result: Either folks would just quit
it, or at least the quality of argument might improve?

Realistically, this proposal of mine might just make things worse, so
I am hereby consulting to see what others think of it.

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