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Re: Apt Pinning: Way of no return ?

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Markus.Grunwald@pruftechnik.com wrote:
>>> What if I don't like kdevelop from unstable and want kdevelop from 
> testing 
>>> again ? How can I undo all the changes that may have been made while 
>>> installing kdevelop from unstable ?
>> AFAIK, remove kdvelop, change the pin, then reinstall it, or you can
>> leave the pin and specify the specific version you want with apt-get.
> Doesn't sound bad. Any experiences from people who have already done this 
> ?

I've done it with a few programs, notably amarok.  Sometimes the updates
are good, but sometimes they aren't.  If you use packages from
experimental, you sometimes have to do it.

I was using Etch on this system, but I wanted to be bleeding edge, and
etch isn't it because it's been frozen for so long.  I converted over to
Sidux, and installed KDE 3.5.6 and a few apps from experimental because
Sidux is only based on Sid, and as of now, Sid only has KDE 3.5.5.

Sidux also fixed the bugs with Iceweasel, that were already done by the
Debian developers but are still not in Sid.

I am very pleased so far with it, but I haven't gotten rid of the etch
just in case it goes bonkers.

One major advantage of Sidux over other Debian based distributions is
that it is 100% Debian compatible.

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