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Re: DST switch in US now early

On 3/6/07, Hugo Vanwoerkom <hvw59601@care2.com> wrote:
Given the early switch to DST in the US on March 11, if I have the
latest libc6 and libc6-dev in Sid (2.3.6.ds1-13), the time change will
be automatic?


$ date -d"3:00am March 11, 2007"
Sun Mar 11 03:00:00 EDT 2007

Interestingly, some versions of date (it might depend on the specific
changes to the tzdata file) will give you an "invalid date" error for
2am on the 11th.  That's what I see on Sid, but RHEL3 will happily
display 2am on the 11th as 3am.

Michael A. Marsh

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