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Re: sparse matrix computation package

If you want libraries to be called from your programs (C or Fortran), go ahead with Lapack or Petsc. They are the result of longstanding efforts of the numerical analysis community. They both seem to be available in stable, although I never used myself the versins packaged by debian.

The latter includes a interface to the lapack libraries, but works at a higher level of abstraction, providing a very complete toolkit for scientific computations on serial and parallel computers. (Beware that the calling sequence of many PETSC routines has changed in version 2.3.0, so if this is a long term enterprise, consider carefully whether to install the package from testing)

On the other hand Lapack should give you all you need and is somewhat better documented and more stable.

Best regards,

Con Prometeo prestiti senza spese fino a 31.000 Euro!

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