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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

Mitja Podreka wrote:
Freddy Freeloader wrote:
Ummmm.... Have a head-on crash with a Hummer, or 3/4 ton 4-wheel drive pickup and see who survives....
Then let's try a head on crash with a concrete wall. A 4-wheel car which is made for driving it off road (like Hummer) has very rigid structure which doesn't absorb a lot of impact forces thus transferring a bigger portion of them to the passengers. On the other hand a small car (not a Yugo off course!!) is made to deform on impact and thus absorbing a lot of impact forces. The fact that it weights about 1/4 of Hummer also helps the passengers to survive.

I guess you haven't seen the statistics, or the real life results of a compact car head-on crash with a large SUV. The little car loses every time. The fact that it has much less mass means it has less energy and means it absorbs much more damage than the vehicle with the large mass and therefore greater total energy. It's like swinging a 40 lb ball and and a 10 lb ball on the end of cables so that they strike each other. The 10 lb ball will have much greater damage to it than the 40 lb ball will. That's just basic physics. A crumple zone doesn't mean much once a certain total energy level in a collision is exceeded. Those crumple zones are really only effective up to certain speeds. After that, they afford very little protection and probably add to the total number of injuries and/or fatalities just because the entire mass of the front end of the car is pushed so far back.

Also, this idea that having a large vehicle is all related to ego is pure bull. I know of lots of people who drive small cars that drive them for ego purposes.... There are a lot of small cars around that guys have hot-rodded, i.e. added turbo's, exhaust systems, performance chips, suspension kits, etc....
That's exactly what I was saying. A big ego needs a lot of additional power, excesive luxury or something else that differs it from others. A car is a tool to drive from point A to point B. What it lies in between this two points should influence the choice of a car. So a SUV for driving in a city is (by my opinion) a sign of oversized ego.

Once again you're way off base. Safety is a reason for driving the large vehicle. Also, so is the size of the person driving it. I'm a person who needs a lot of space and a small car is very uncomfortable for me to get into, to sit in, and to drive. I have some disabilities that make a small car very unsuitable for me to get in and out of. My spinal column has fused itself together so that my back will not bend as it used to. A large vehicle is much more suited to my needs. I can't imagine how badly I'd be broken up in head-on collision just because the small car interior would be so compressed in size. Third, the size of a person's family has a great deal to do with need for a large vehicle. Fourth, many people have RV trailers and/or boats and no small car is going to pull those in any manner which could even come close to being safe or not damage the car itself.
I can keep on going, but you ought to get the point by now.
I'm simply amazed at the amount of what seems to be brainwashing on the socialist side of the political spectrum.
When I was driving that Yugo we were already living in democracy. Having seen both systems I must say that I don't see much difference. I'm being brainwashed in both systems, just the methods are different. The goal stays the same. Oh and now I can choose who will brainwash me CNN, BBC, CCTV9 or Al Jazeera. I guess I must be very grateful for being able to choose. And another detail. Socialism is not equal to communism. Yugoslavia, USSR and China is/were communist. Sweden, Norway, Finland is socialist.
Ummm.... That wasn't my point. Socialism teaches revisionist history and a very biased view of the world that ignores/discredits any ways of thinking that do not agree with the socialist agenda. I sat in a history class taught by a socialist professor a couple of years ago. That prof was flunking me even though I could prove my points using the same sources she used and hand in papers that were better written and with ideas backed up with greater support/documentation than the students around me. The other people in the class were amazed after reading my papers that I had received the grades I did. I got them simply because I would refute the professor's agenda of presenting a highly biased view of history in class. This is a very common phenomena in liberal/socialistic institutions of learning. The conservative students either write what they don't believe to be true, or just accept whatever comes out of the professor's mouth if they want to pass the course. Truth is sacrificed to the altar of socialistic agenda.

Many people by large vehicles simply for the safety aspects of having a large vehicle, as the mass of the vehicle assures that in a wreck with another vehicle you have a greater chance of surviving or coming out of the wreck with fewer injuries. In this you are right! I should be more careful to point out this benefit of big cars.

Ummm.... You contradicted this point earlier in your post.


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