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Re: REALLY OT: News Flash

On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 03:08:23PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> > He
> > claims that religious people are stupid and basically use ancient texts
> > are a crutch. 
>     Well, don't you?  I mean you cherry pick the nice bits and reject the nasty.
> > Nevermind that the Chrisitan nation of the USA (it was
> > founded as a Christian nation by Christians) has developed far more
> > scientific advancement than the oh-so-enlightened athiest USSR ever
> > could have hoped.
>     Nevermind that the founding fathers were not Christian, did not form a
> Christian state and that 90%+ of all scientists in the US are Atheist.

I thought it was only about 75%...

-- hendrik

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