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Re: Used swap increasing after waking up from hibernate in Etch

On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 09:29:54PM +0530, Raghu Kodali wrote:
> Every time my laptop wakes up from hibernate, I observe that my used
> swap has increased by approximately 2MB. I am seeing the usage of swap
> using the "top" command.
> Just to test it out, I did hibernate->wakeup->hibernate->wakeup without
> running any other application in between. I did not even change the
> workspace.
> My computer is a Thinkpad R51 with 512+256 MB ram & a 2GB swap.
> Eventhough an increase of 2MB in used swap is not a big amount, I am
> just curious to know if this is expected or any of my settings are
> incorrect.
> My Etch is just a out of the box install with the kernel as 
> Linux DebianEtch 2.6.18-3-686 #1 SMP
> Please let me know if I need to tweak something or this behaviour is
> expected.

Using top, what other changes do you notice?  E.g. does 'buffers'
change?  Are there any processes using more swap?

I wonder if hibernating and unhibernating uses swap which the kernel
later leaves 'used' but somehow 'spare' for the next process that needs
swap?  Does it eventually free up?

I so rarely swap.  However, I occasionally see 4k used.  Then again, I
don't hibernate.


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