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gvim / vim -g WON'T WORK

I have got the same Problem, but with Verision vim 70. and HP-UX 11.11.

Makefile says:

#  - If you want a version of Vim that is small and starts up quickly,
#    you might want to disable the GUI, X11, Perl, Python and Tcl.
#  - Uncomment the line with --disable-gui if you have Motif, GTK and/or
#    Athena but don't want to make gvim (the GUI version of Vim with nice
#    menus and scrollbars, but makes Vim bigger and startup slower).

So, if I change nothing, gui should be installed. 

but gvim -g answers:

avalenti@ncc-v:/usr/local/src/vim >vim -g
E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time

So, how to manage to enable at compile time? I don't find a point to unmark
in the Makefile, where GUI would be enabled!

Now i've got the same effekt with Version 6.4 - which should be simpler. 
What I am making wrong?

How to enable GUI during compile time?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen /
With kind regards

Arno Valentin
Senior System Administrator


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