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RE: Why there is no space left on root partition?


From: jie gong [mailto:gongtech2006@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:09 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Why there is no space left on root partition?

I am a newbee to debian linux. I found my root partition is full.
My root partition has 4 GB, but I added the size of files under the root partition, anyway they did not hit the 4GB, not even close.
Where did the space go?

Here is some output which may be useful.
command: du -hcs /*

3.3M                              /bin
5.8M                              /boot
128K                             /dev
23M                               /etc
4.0K                              /fai
893M                             /home
4.0K                              /initrd
44M                               /lib
16K                               /lost+found
4.0K                              /media
4.0K                              /mnt
4.0K                               /opt
507M                             /proc
3.8G                              /root 

Looks like the bulk of your root partition is in /root.  Did you not notice the G after the 3.8?


9.6M                              /sbin
4.0K                              /srv
4.0K                               /sys
68K                               /tmp
2.5G                              /usr
137M                             /var
0                                   /vmlinuz
0                                    /vmlinuz.old
7.9G                               total

Command: df

I run df, get the following
Filesystem    1K-blocks    Used       Available     Use%     Mounted on
/dev/hda6     4032092      4032092      0               100%      /
tmpfs           253668         0            253668          0%        /dev/shm
/dev/hda1     77749         10032       63703           14%       /boot
/dev/hda10   12649928     946956     1574456        8%       /home
/dev/hda8     2016016      32876       1983140        2%        /tmp
/dev/hda9     15124868    2635568    11720996     19%       /usr
/dev/hda7     4032092     172316       3654952       5%        /var

How can I find the missing space?


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