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Re: Debian on Toshiba 2500CDS?

The laptop comes with Debian, I would assume the root password is the most necessary one on a Linux box.
Is there a way to retrieve the root password or what is the most intelligent way to recover or reinstall debian?


On 1/16/07, Hodgins Family <ehodgins@telusplanet.net> wrote:
On Tue, 2007-16-01 at 12:15 -0800, Mitchell Verter wrote:
> I just got a great deal on a Toshiba 2500CDS:
> The seller told me that he does not know the user/password.  Is there
> a
> way to crack this?
Are you asking about a BIOS password, a Windows password or is there
already a Linux OS on the computer that wants a user name and a

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