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Re: SMTP server

Please don't quote in reverse order.

Danesh Daroui wrote:

> Thanks. I am newbie in Mail Servers. I thought that postfix is usually
> used to set up a pop3 server and therefore a domain should be set up
> using bind. Is it possible to just use it as SMTP server for simple
> outgoing mails?

I'm thinking you might want to read up more about SMTP in general before you
consider tackling your own email server.  Failing to do so may result in
problems that are time critical to fix but leave you without the expertise
to fix it.  Amazon and your local library have many books about this
subject.  You might also consider lurking on
news://news.admin.net-abuse.email and nntp://news.spamcop.net/spamcop for
lots of helpful pointers on how not to set your server up as well.

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