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Re: accidental firewall

hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
THis is really stupid. I think I accidentally installed a firewall
when all I wanted is IP masquerading. How can I find out which
firewalling package I mught have installed.

Just a list of possible packages that do any kind of firewalling
would probably be enough. Given those, I could check them out one by
one and see if I've installed any.

apt-cache search firewall | cut -d " " -f 1 | dpkg -l $(cat) 2>/dev/null | grep ^ii

(watch out if your mail reader wraps lines; all of the above should be
on one line.)

Short explanation: "apt-cache" searches for packages with "firewall" in
their package description, "cut" takes the first column of the output
(which is the package name), "dpkg -l" displays the information on these
packages and "grep" selects the installed ones (their line starts with


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