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Re: Bus error - help!

konsole and rosegarden won't run from the kde menu - I get an eggtimer but then they disappear. Inside kde I have tried to run them from xterm, and get a bus error. xterm works in kde, but konsole does not.

- Joe

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:14:06 +0000
jb701@uku.co.uk wrote:

K6-2, Via MVP3 chipset, kernel 2.4.27, sarge Ran fine as a console-only system. Then I installed kde because I wanted to use rosegarden4. Rosegarden ran biut no midi sound so I fiddled with jackd and other things. No joy but... Now rosegarden and other progs, like konsole, do not run. Logging in console [ie. not running kde] as root and running these programs like: konsole &

well konsole is an X app is it not? in which case it won't find a display to connect to and won't run. konsole has to be run from a working X setup. Does konsole run from within KDE? what about other terminal emulators like xterm or aterm?

gives the following:
attempt to access past end of device
03:05: rw=0, want=6854512, limit-4883728
[1]+ Bus error konsole What can I do? From googling it looks like the kde installation may have triggered an issue related to the use of a K6-2 or maybe the motherboard. Is my installation of debian corrupted?


Can it be fixed?

probably. A

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