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Re: 2.6 debian boot floppies?

On Sat, Mar 18, 2006 at 03:24:40PM -0500, Nathan Merritt wrote:
> I've recently been trying to install Debian on an old ThinkPad. The
> laptop has an external floppy drive but no CD drives or USB ports.
> Unfortunately, the driver I need to use for my wireless card does not
> agree with 2.4 series kernels so I haven't had any luck getting the
> install past the third boot floppy.
> I was wondering where I might find a 2.6.x boot floppy. I've looked
> around on the net and there seem to be many 2.6 netinstall images but
> no recent boot floppies...
Hi Nathan,
other folks have told me about thinkwiki.org, IIRC, as a place for hints
on installing gnu/linux on thinkpads. I would remove the hard drive, get
a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter (about 5 USD or euros) and find a desktop machine
and install the basic os with that and then put it back into the laptop.
With out a cdrom or usb port, options are a bit tougher. Maybe see if
anyone can loan you a pcmcia cdrom or see if you can find a local linux
user group (LUG) that is having an installfest. They are great fun!
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