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any body successfull ap??

hi people, greetings everybody.
well i have a problem since 1 year ago.  i'm trying to develop an ap using debian sarge, now with kernel 2.6.15, madwifi-ng-r1457, freeradius 1.0.5.  i want to add security so decided to use tls.  but no matter what i do, my ap is very unstable, clients lost connection each 10 minutes and it's impossible to me use tls, program hostapd simply don't compile, so my question is this:
did any debian user get a functional ap with this options??
it seems to be a problem with madwifi-hostapd and debian.
please could any body help and tell me if knows any successfull implementation of this?? i read a lot of tutorials but any of them works to me.
thanks in advance for your time

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